Hello, Albuquerque communities!

After a few month hiatus, our chapter website is back on the interweb for you.

As we continue to develop our website, we would love your input on what you would find useful from a top-ranking behavioral health website in our New Mexico communities. With a privileged Google, Yahoo, and Bing ranking, it’s a good idea for our chapter to have features and information that are most useful to you right here.

Here are a few things that are in development and should be available in the coming week:

– Site calendar integrated with our Facebook, Twitter, Google+, & email list
– phpBB forum
– Finally finally finally updating our email list
– Behavioral health resources
– Adding printable literature to our “Brochures” page
– Featured peers page… I have no idea what to call this page… essentially, if you have anything you’d like posted to our site, please send it along. Personal stories of living with a mental illness, your art, your music, an upcoming event you’re organizing as just a few examples.
– Mobile version of the website

Please email any suggestions or hints you might have to:


Thanks much!