Notice: Monday, December 23 In Person Group meeting on Zoom.
Zoom Support Group
Group Begins at 7:00PM.
Group Ends at 8:30PM
Zoom link opens at 6:50PM.
Mountain Time Zone (Denver, USA)
Connect On Zoom
Meeting Link:
Dial-In: 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 86255583029
Password: 343107

Stand Up To Stigma is a mental health support, education, and advocacy collaborative with support groups and education programs developed by peers, managed by peers, and promoted by peers. The mission of Stand Up To Stigma is to address the many misconceptions (stigmas) associated with living with a mental health condition, and through open, honest communication lessen the impact stigmas have on the lives of peers.
The core belief of STS is simple. Through education and understanding . . .
Stand Up To Stigma (STS) provides a safe, welcome, and confidential meeting space for those living with the challenges and triumphs of a mental health diagnosis. STS peer support groups are run by peers and for peers, a place for you to come chat about your issues, concerns, and needs as a peer with others who naturally understand you and what you’re going through.
No. We are not a directed treatment plan. Also, we don’t have medical providers leading our groups. The groups are led by peers for peers. Think of STS groups like intimate conversations with close friends. And that’s what we become, close friends sharing our stories in a space free from judgment.
STS peer support groups are free to the community. No pre-registration is needed. Just show up and enjoy the company of your peers.
Stand Up To Stigma welcomes all in our community. We have members who share openly their challenges and triumphs with depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, PTSD, anxiety, TBI, autism, co-occurring and just any mental health and behavioral health life experiences imaginable. We also welcome the friends and families of peers who are interested in understanding their loved ones better from hearing the stories our participants share. Friends and families are encouraged to attend our peer support groups if your loved one would like some “moral support.”
STS maintains two websites, designed as content mirrors of each other: – Dedicated to STS Community Education Programs. – Dedicated to STS Peer Support Groups (formerly DBSA Albuquerque).