On Saturday evening STS meets for Tacos and Ukuleles under the lovely New Mexico sky. We meet at 7PM and hang out until we all decide to leave.

– 90th and Central (northwestern corner of intersection)
– Across 90th from 8929 Central Ave NW, Albuquerque NM 87121

Bottled water is provided.

We have a table. Please bring your own chair.

Most of us know how to eat a taco. But do you know how to play a ukulele? If not, we have experienced uke players available to provide free lessons to newcomers. And, if you would rather just hang out and chat with friends, there’s a lot of that going on, too. It’s a great opportunity to socialize with people who won’t judge you if you feel “off” and you don’t have to pretend to feel well.

Don’t have a ukulele? No worries! We have a few loaners on hand for the evening. 

Don’t know how to play a ukulele? No worries! We’ll show you how!

We’re currently practicing the C, G, and D chords. With just these three easy to master chords we can literally play hundreds of popular songs!

For information, text 505.310.5070 (request a callback if you’d prefer); email sutstigma@gmail.com or info@standuptostigma.org.